Data Analyst Resources

The following table is a list of resources that I find/found helpful as a Data Engineer/Analyst. I’m appending to this list whenever I find something worth sharing. I hope you find it helpful! And I’d love if you suggest me resources that you consider missing from this list.

Reference Kind Why read
Airbnb Engineering Blog1, 2, 3 Data General/data portal inspiration
Art of Unix programming4 Prog Teaches how to keep things simple
Data Warehousing in BigQuery5 Data How to do DM in modern DW like BigQuery
Databricks Documentation6 Data How to use Databricks effectively
Designing Data Intensive Applications7 Data Great book on distributed computing
Dremel paper8 Data The theory behind Parquet
Kimball Toolkit9 Data Dimensional Modeling (DM) canonical resource
Leverage Points10 Org How to change systems most effectively
Nubank Data Infra Talk11 Data Our data infrastructure
Scala Koans12 Prog Learn Scala interactively
Uber's Queryparser13 Data How Uber analyses internal data access


1 The Rise of the Data Engineer - Maxime Beauchemin

2 The Downfall of the Data Engineer - Maxime Beauchemin

3 Democratizing Data at Airbnb - Chris C Williams

4 The Art of UNIX Programming - Eric S. Raymond

5 BigQuery for Data Warehouse Practitioners


7 Designing Data-Intensive Applications - Martin Kleppmann

8 Dremel: Interactive Analysis of Web-Scale Datasets

9 The Data Warehouse Toolkit: The Definitive Guide to Dimensional Modeling - Ralph Kimball, Margy Ross

10 Leverage Points: Places to Intervene in a System

11 Infraestrutura de dados no Nubank: Criando um ferramental para promover uma cultura data-driven

12 scala koans - scala 2.11 + scalatest 3

13 Queryparser, an Open Source Tool for Parsing and Analyzing SQL